Friday, February 10, 2012

My Supports

We all have support systems that we can't seem to live without. First, my biggest support would be my husband. I do not believe I could accomplish the things I have without his support. When things get difficult, he is always there to offer encouraging words and lifts me up. He is also my partner, and without him, I am only 50%. We keep each other motivated and positive. We co-parent our daughter, and we help each other in every aspect of our life. When I am facing an issue, he is always the one who talks with me and offers his suggestions. We work through everything together!

Second, I need the support of my job. First, I do need the salary to pay for my debt and to keep up with demands of everyday living. However, I also need the support of my job to allow me to continue to grow and be a great teacher and mentor for the children in my classroom. Without the support of my job, I would have difficulty growing as an educator.

When I say I need the support of my job that also means the support from my colleagues and my administrators. I need the feedback from all of them to allow me to become better. If I am doing something that needs to be adjusted, I have the support from them. They offer suggestions and give constructive criticism. I am able to take that and make things better for myself as well as my students.

A challenge for me would be the loss of sight. I feel as if I could handle the loss of limbs, the loss of hearing, and even the loss of the ability to walk, but I feel as if I would lose out significantly if my sight was gone. I am sure some people would disagree, but I so enjoy seeing the beauty in the world! I love waking up each day to see my husband and daughter, and I absolutely love seeing my sweet preschoolers pop in each morning! It is so gratifying to see their sweet expressions when they accomplish something!

However, should that be something I had to deal with, I would most definitely need the support of my co-workers to help me get through the day. I would need them to help me with day to day tasks of teaching, and help me with preparations.

I would also need the support of my family. I am not sure I could do anything without their support, both emotionally and physically. I would also need the support of my students and parents. How could I accomplish anything without their help?

For those of you reading this, what are your thoughts on a blind teacher? Do you know of any? What, in your opinion, do you think parents and students would think? I would love your comments!!