Friday, May 11, 2012

Week 2; My Research Journey

Hello, classmates!!

I am currently a preschool teacher, and I am very interested in social-emotional development, and I am currently a supporter of play. So, while I was considering my subtopics, I thought of the two areas I want to know more about, and I combined them. I decided to begin researching how play in preschool promotes healthy social-emotional development. I have always been intrigued by play and social-emotional development. I also want to ensure I am doing what is necessary to promote healthy social-emotional development for my preschoolers. 

I have seen the benefits of play in my classroom, but I am curious as to what different researchers are saying about play and social-emotional development. I have had several students who were very reserved and did not want to play in learning centers with other children, but through continual play and socialization time, those children are becoming very social and are not reserved. They are learning through play on how to be good citizens and control their emotions.

Because social-emotional development is such a broad topic, I am glad I have narrowed down my subtopic. Researching play has been much easier; however, I am having difficulty with a developing a general research question, but I am confident I will get to that point. I am feeling quite overwhelmed with the chart and literature reviews for our application assignments, but I know it will aid me in the future. Before reading about research, I had never heard the term, "triangulation" before. I had no clue what it meant and how it applied to research. However, I now know it means using different ways of conducting and using research.

I am still quite scared with the whole research "process" and any insights would be greatly appreciated. If any of you have any useful insights that would work for me and others to help alleviate such stress when it comes to the entire research process, I would certainly benefit from those!

I look forward to any and all comments from each of you!



  1. Susan,

    Social-emotional development is such an crucial topic for the field of early childhood and the link to play should make for a very interesting research topic. My research topic also centers around social-emotional development, but my interest is in infants and toddlers. Your observations of the children in your class may offer some direction for your research question. Like you, I am very worried about how I will create a research question. I really had no idea of how complex the research process is and how hard it is to just develop a research question.

  2. I have been feeling the same way about the research simulation, it's good to hear that others have the same feelings! Play in early childhood is an excellent topic. As a kindergarten teacher in a school that allows a minimal amount of time for play I see first hand the effects that a lack of play has on children and their social development. I'm sure you will find some great resources to support play in early childhood.

  3. Hi Susan,
    I always enjoy learning about children's social-emotional development because it is a critical piece of early childhood. I can agree that I had no idea of how difficult the research process is and I am eager for us to grow together throughout this course. Good luck in the future.

  4. Thank you for sharing your research process. Although you may currently feel a little frighten about the whole process of "research" I am sure that it will get much easier for you.

  5. Great topics. I would like to learn more about socioemotional development in young child from 6 months to 4 years. I am learning to communicate with my grand-children ages 7 months and 4 years old. Children are growing up so fast these day and I want my grand-children to be emotionally prepared for their relationships with other children. So I need to be prepared. I hope I said that right. lol.

  6. I would like to learn more about the sociaoemotional development in young children. I am learning to communicate with my grandaughter. It's ike starting all over again.

  7. Susan,
    I am also going to be researching about play and the effect it has on the development of our children. I found your topics to be most intriguing. Thanks so much for opening up this area of research for me. I hadn't thought about it in this way. Nice job!
