Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around The World

The country I chose would be Russia. I know absolutely nothing about this country, and I would like to see what their traditions and cultures are.

To prepare this family for easy transition, I would do the following:

*Do my homework (research) on their cultures so I can ensure children have an easy transition and I can incorporate this culture into my classroom.

*I would prepare my students by discussing our new student's culture, as well as differences and similarities. I would show my students pictures of this child's home, and what they would be leaving behind. We would discuss how we can ensure our new student will feel loved and nurtured, and make a list (with pictures) of the things we can do. I would also make sure we had things around the classroom that this child can relate to. For example, at centers I could also label it with familiar pictures from Russia that would have the same American meaning; anything that will help this child feel little stress and more comfort.

*I would research the language of this country. I would make sure I could say a few things should this student not know English. I would make sure this student did not feel bad about not knowing English. I would help her embrace her language and feel proud of it. This will also aid me in making her cubby and locker labels, as well as any other type of label she may need to see, as well as any literature that will need to go home.

*I would schedule a time to meet with this entire family. I would welcome them into our school and my classroom; we would take a tour, show the family where everything is, as well as meet everyone in the school. This would help calm any fears or anxities about a new place. I would also ensure the family I would be available at any time.

*I would encourage the family to share their goals and expectations for their child. Since this a different country, I would want to know what their previous country's education system was like, and what type of goals it had. When we discuss this, we can come together and make a plan for their child to be successful.

With this family moving to a different country that is unknown to them can be scary as well as stressful, especially with a small child who will be attending a school they know nothing about. Hopefully, with creating a nurturing environment as well as opening those lines of communication will aid in a successful transition. For me, this would benefit me because I could embrace diversity by celebrating it within my classroom. By creating a diverse classroom, this child can feel comfortable in her new environment as well as feel proud of where she is from.


  1. Hi Susan, I think that communication is one of the key ingredients that builds relationships. With a positive relationship we can learn more about the cultures that these families are coming from. I think that with research and communication you can build a positive and enriched learning environment.

  2. Hi Susan,
    having childre feel proud and no ashamen of where they come from is a huge gift to give children from other countries.
