Saturday, March 10, 2012

Expanding and Sharing our Resources

National Institute for Early Education Research

"The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) conducts and communicates research to support high quality, effective, early childhood education for all young children." ( This research aids in enhancing children's cognitive, physical, and social development. It works with policy makers as well as educators in all areas for the success of education. It evaluates programs as well as state progress towards creating an excellence of early education. 

As I was reading through the newsletter, the very first topic caught my attention. CBS news actually did a news segment on this; kindergarten redshirting. Parents (that is, male children of caucasian families who are from higher income families) believe, if they keep their children from entering kindergarten for an extra year, they will be maturer and be better able to handle the rigor of school. This is, in my opinion. not a logical decision. While it does help children mature, it also prevents students from participating in the social/emotional areas of development. Children need to learn to handle situations with their peers, as well. Below is a link that discusses the pros and cons of kindergarten redshirting.

As a parent, I would have not chosen this for my daughter, especially since she was an only child. I knew the importance of social development. As you watch this interview, what would you do if you had children? Would you redshirt from kindergarten?

I also found a video on the effects of high quality preschool programs on NIEER's website. I will post the link below.

I enjoy reading the newsletters from NIEER. I would encourage all educators to join this newsletter, as well.


  1. I would never redshirt a child from kindergarten. Children need it more than ever in my opinion.With the increase of single parent with a single child households, the need for social and emotional experiences to help increase maturity of the children is increased as well. Adding another year does not necessarily increase maturity.

  2. Hi Susan,

    What a coincidence. We not only chose the same site to follow, but also found the information and CBS webcast on "redshriting in kindergarten" quite interesting. "Redshirting" is a decision that needs to be based on a child's readiness and the parents best choice for their child. It is not something that I feel is right for every child, but as an educator and within my teaching years have once in awhile found a student (usually a boy) that may have benefited by starting a year later with more maturity giving them more confidence and I have seen some students (again, ususally boys)that demonstrate a good fit with having been held back. I have to also acknowledge that I have never encountered an instance where beginning a year later was not a good decision.

    Thank you for sharing,

    1. Susan,
      I do not see the positive in red shirting the child. It is about how you raise them.
      I think people should remember how their parents raised them. . You choice in websites were great. I play to use them
      for my resources.

  3. I am somehow disagree with kindergarten redshirting. Adding up an extra year is not a solution of becoming a more mature child. Parents should also teach their child the basic education at home and not just entrusting their child at school.
