Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

This week's blog assignment has me thinking quite a bit about different -isms. Throughout my time in this program, I have become more compassionate with my teaching as well as ensuring I am not using any -isms myself. However, this has also allowed me to watch others closely.

When I see discrimination taking place among other educators, I am so saddened! Children should not have to feel any type of discrimination because of their skin color, their class, or their beliefs. I believe, if I was to begin having discriminatory thoughts I would become an educator that forced children to feel shame and inequality; that would make me feel horrible as I in the classroom to build children up and help them succeed. I believe I would be an emotional roller coaster and never succeed in helping children feel loved, nurtured, or safe. Not to mention force families to feel ashamed of their life, their cultures, color, etc. and not want their children to come to school because I would be viewed as a negative educator that is harming their children instead of helping them. I certainly could not be this type of educator.

In order to help build family relationships, allow children to succeed and be nurtured we, as educators need to be positive ourselves and never form biases or discriminatory thoughts or actions. We need to allow ALL children to feel a sense of pride, no matter what their race, class, sex, etc. may be. We need to instill love an acceptance for all children and families within the classroom.


  1. Susan,
    I agree with you completely! It has to be one of the saddest things when you see discrimination happening with an educator. We are there to serve such a crucial purpose and our care and values will follow these children into adulthood.

  2. Susan
    Discrimination among colleagues could lead to negative behaviors towards students. How do you handle discrimination among colleagues?

  3. I realize that to be an anti-bias educator is not an instant process. It takes a long way along the journey in our contribution in the early childhood education. One of the biggest foundation is when we need to watch our self closely- when realize that sometimes we have our own bias toward the people around as or when we experiencing the '-ism' in our personal life.

    Thank you for a great post!
    Evita Kartikasari
